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更新时间:2024-04-26 06:52:45


  若她的态度友善,意味着现实中的你该试图了解一些被自己长久忽略的内心问题;若你的梦境感觉充满危险,意味着你的内心想 脱轨 。

  梦见与陌生女子相谈甚欢,完美女性的典范。其实她就是你在潜意识中,所定下的 完美女性 典范,也可说是 女性原型 。



  If her friendly, means that in reality you should try to understand some long neglected by his own heart; and if you dream of danger, means your heart want to derail .

  Dream with strange women talking, the perfect female model. In fact, she s in the subconscious mind, set by the perfect woman model, that is to say the feminine archetype .

  As with the female partner, your business will be more successful.

  Dreaming of a black woman looking for you, if you were a business, would you everything, everything goes well and smoothly.
